Tuesday, December 14, 2010

DIY Solar Power Kits - Cut Your Power Bills by As Much As 80% With a DIY Solar Power Kit

Most of us are aware of the fact that the sun produces a clean renewable energy source known as solar energy, what most of us don't realize is we can easily harness this free energy source for our own personal use. Solar Energy can be collected and converted into electricity cheaply and easily with the help of a diy solar power kit.

Many households are feeling the pinch of the current economic crisis we find ourselves in, it's no surprise that these same households are looking to find cheaper ways to reduce their power bills. Its estimated around 30% of our monthly income goes towards the power bill, this is money that could be better spent in other areas in these tough times.

There are a number of different kits on the market, even diy solutions that have you building your own diy solar power kit for under $200 with materials readily available at your corner hardware store. When you stack this cost up against a commercial solar power system installation (you're looking at a couple of thousand dollars minimum) and the money you are saving off your power bill you can see you will quickly recoup the cost of building your own solar power kit in no time and from then on you will be saving some much need money. These diy solar power kits claim to replace 80% or more of your power needs.

In my household we conservatively estimate we have cut our power bill by around 60% and we project savings of as much as 80% as we add more homemade solar panels to our system.

If you're looking to undertake your own solar solution for your home, you need to get a good guide to navigate you clearly through all the steps required to successfully assemble and implement your own system.

Tifanny have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for diy solar kits and great passion and knowledge for diy solar heating panels and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here diysolarkitspro.com